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Welcome to this brief tour of NutriPlanIT, the on-line nutrition tool to help you take control of what you eat.

Over the next 3 pages you will get a glimpse of what NutriPlanIT can do to help you.

At the end, you will be invited to register for a subscription that will give you full and unlimited access to NutriPlanIT and the beginning of a new healthier lifestyle.

Over 300 of our own recipes to choose from
33 nutritional components analysed
Over 4000 ingredients in our database
If you're tired of micro-managing
what you eat and every meal is
becoming a complex equation of
calories, fats, carbohydrates then
NutruPlanIT takes the chore out
of meal times.
NutriPlanIT is a simple-to-use,
point-and-click tool that will help
to empower you to understand
the food that you eat and to see
at a glance how well (or not!) it
meets your own personal
nutritional needs.